Taking off your face mask
Expo 2020 Dubai organisers have been preparing for the event in earnest, not without ensuring every safety measure is in place. Image Credit: Stock

Dubai: For the past year, Expo 2020 Dubai has been busy laying down guidelines and measures for the health and safety of its staff and visitors alike, updating protocols as the situation changes.

The organisers of the event guarantee the public that they are taking every precaution necessary in line with the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) and Dubai Health Authority (DHA), and latest advice from the World Health Organisation (WHO). Expo 2020 has introduced applied technology such as robots and artificial intelligence (AI) to keep contact points to a minimum throughout the site. Visitors will also find limited queuing that will allow them to maintain a safe distance between others and themselves.

PCR test mandatory for non-vaccinated visitors

According to the organisers, visitors are encouraged to vaccinate, but it is not a requirement for entry. Non-vaccinated visitors aged 18 and above must present a negative PCR test taken in the previous 72 hours. Vaccinated ticket holders can enter upon proof of inoculation.

For those who have not tested but have a valid entry ticket can take a free PCR test at a facility next to the Expo site - however, getting the results can take around four hours.

Expo 2020 Dubai will continue to update their guidelines as the situation changes. Vaccinated visitors for the time being must still comply with the wearing of masks, social distancing, regular washing and sanitisation of hands and other precautionary measures listed below.

Have a look at how you can enjoy your visit to Expo 2020 knowing that you are in safe hands.

What has Expo done to keep me safe?

The following are the safety measures implemented across the event site.

Thermal cameras: These are special cameras at arrival points that check temperature of the visitors before they can enter the site.

Masks: Visitors must wear face masks at all times.

Sanitary precautions: Hand sanitiser stations are installed at regular intervals across the venue. All Expo common areas and event venues are subject to regular cleaning and sanitisation.

Social distancing: Visitors are to maintain a distance of two meters between themselves.

Medical facilities: Medical personnel and specialist staff are always on standby in case of emergencies. There are seven first-aid centres onsite open all days of the week and three medical and COVID-19 testing facilities.

Vaccinated staff: All employees and their families, as well as event participants have been inoculated against COVID-19 owing to Expo’s internal vaccination program.

How are the social distancing measures implemented?

Carrying out distancing measures in a venue that stretches 1083 acres can be quite challenging.

Expo has implemented the following safety protocols to ensure the wellbeing of all its attendees.

Capacity limits: A limited number of people are allowed into the venue at a time to control capacity flow. The same applies to dining areas where tables have regulated seating capacity.

Floor markings: Queues and common areas like parks, exhibition spaces, and performance venues are marked with reminders to practice social distancing.

Signage and posters: Infographics are placed throughout the site to stress the need for social distancing.

Staff patrol: Staff members have been appointed on site to ensure that visitors abide by these regulations.

Visitors showcasing any COVID-19-related symptoms will not be admitted into the site. This restriction extends to visitors who have been in contact with confirmed persons or are under a self-quarantine order.

Your Al Hosn app can help

With the Al Hosn app, which is sourced from the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention, visitors can track positive contacts around them during their trip.

What are the most common signs of COVID-19?
Visitors must practice vigilance when it comes to recognising COVID-19 symptoms. The most common of these are:

• Chills,
• fever,
• shortness of breath,
• body aches,
• loss of taste or smell,
• sore throat,
• nausea, and
• diarrhoea

- The writer is an intern with Gulf News