How To Play
Crosswords are not designed to be difficult - keep that in mind
when you try any of our puzzles.
Here are 4 tips we would like to
- First fill in those clues that are easiest for you, this definitely helps.
- Then fill in clues that are across them.
- You could even print it out and try solving with a pencil and eraser.
- It is important to remember that quite often the clues are not a test of knowledge but an attempt at making you to think out of the box. The answers could be wordplay, puns, anagrams or even a fill in the blank!
Spell It is all about making as many words as you can from the
letters provided to you.
Here are 6 tips to help you get a head-start:
- The central letter must be included in each word.
- You can repeat the letters as many times as you wish in a word.
- Enter letters by clicking on them, or by typing them in.
- Special points for finding a pangram – that is, a word that uses all the letters.
- If you’re stuck, use the shuffle button to rearrange the letters – it will help you get a fresh perspective!
- Find words that are 4 or more letters long.
Sudoku's objective is simple: Each of the nine blocks has to contain all the numbers from 1 to 9 within its squares. Some numbers have already been filled in for you and it’s your mission to figure out the rest!
Here are 4 tips to help you ace the game:
- The most important thing to remember is that each number from 1 to 9 can appear only once in a row, column or box. If you repeat a number, it will impact the entire game.
- Try using the process of elimination to figure out which numbers can go in each space.
- Use the Pen function when you are sure about your answer. The Pencil mode can help you track the multiple options that are possible in each box.
- This is a game of reasoning and logic, so don’t try to guess. If you are stuck, scan the other areas of the grid until you see an opportunity to place a number.
In each Wordsearch puzzle, find all the listed words hidden in the grid of letters.
Here are 4 tips to get you started:
- Words can run horizontally, vertically or diagonally. They may even go forward or backward!
- Words will nearly always overlap.
- To mark words you have found, tap or click the first letter of the word, drag until the last letter and release.
- A useful strategy is to look for the first letter of a listed word, and then check all eight possible directions to reveal the entire word.
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