Prep 20 m
Cook 10m


    2 cups (225gm) wheat flour

    2 tsp salt

    4 eggs boiled and mashed

    2 tbsp ghee or oil

    ½ tsp pepper

    1 tsp coriander leaves, chopped

    Water to knead

    Ghee or oil for shallow frying

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1. Sift wheat flour in a basin with 1 tsp salt. Gradually add water, make a stiff dough. Cover with a damp cloth. Keep aside for 20 minutes.

2. Boil eggs and mash well. Add 1 tsp salt, pepper, coriander and 1 tsp ghee or oil. Mix thoroughly.

3. Knead the dough until smooth. Divide into 8 equal parts and roll out each into 4-inch diameter circle. Place 1 tbsp of egg filling in the centre of each circle. Shape them into round balls again.

4. Now roll out each ball on a floured board to a circle of 5-inch (13 cms) diameter.

5. Rub little ghee or oil on one side. Heat a griddle, shallow fry each paratha with little ghee or oil. Cook until both the sides turn golden brown, turning once or twice.

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