Prep 5 m
Cook 40m
Makes 8 to 10 ladoos


    1/3 cup A2 cow ghee (made from curd and not cream)

    1 cup roasted chickpeas/gram flour, dry roast for 5 minutes of medium-low flame

     1/2 cup organic powdered jaggery, you can use caster sugar too

    1/8 tsp green cardamom powder

    Pistachios and saffron strands for garnishing 


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Ingredient Substitution Guide



1. Heat ghee in a pan on low heat. Once hot, add gram flour and mix them well.

2. Roast the gram flour on low flame and continue to stir.

3. As you begin stirring, the mix will get a little lumpy, which is alright. Continue stirring, this might take a little time but is crucial. 

4. As it roasts, the mix will start to loosen up and the consistency would become like that of a thick paste. By this time the texture would have mellowed too.

5. As it starts to change colour, the paste will release a nutty aroma. As the ghee or clarified butter oozes out of it, the paste will become a little runny.

6. This is when we know, gram flour is roasted well and ready to be rolled into balls.

7. Transfer the paste onto a plate and allow it to cool.

8. Then, add powdered jaggery or sugar and cardamom powder.

9. Mix well with your fingers, forming a loose dough.

10. Roll it into small ladoos or balls and garnish it with chopped nuts or a dry fruit of your choice and enjoy!

Recipe courtesy: Jay Thanki, Swades vegetarian restaurant, Dubai