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Dubai: If you are a Saudi resident or visitor and are facing difficulties related to your Saudi visa, like applying for the exit/re-entry visa for your dependents or extending the stay of your visit visa, you can use the ‘Tawasul’ service from Saudi Arabia's General Directorate of Passport - Jawazat.

According to Jawazat, the Tawasul service helps address any technical issues that Saudi citizens, residents or visitors might face while applying for services through the Absher platform, which is Saudi Arabia’s official online portal for government services.

Here is all you need to know about the service.

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What is the ‘Tawasul’ service?

‘Tawasul’ can only be accessed through the Absher website – – and it is available for Absher account holders. Click here to find out how you can create an Absher account.

Users can send a message about a technical issue they are facing when applying for services related to Al Jawazat on the Absher platform.

The service is specifically for Saudi residents and visitors facing issues on the Absher platform when applying for services related to Jawazat. This is not applicable for individuals who applying for Saudi visas through travel agents.

How can I use the ‘Tawasul’ service?

1. First, visit this link on the Absher website: 

2. Once you are on the page, type ‘Tawasul’ in the search bar and click on 'Tawasul service'. Then, click on the ‘Start Service’ button on the right of the screen.

3. You will then be asked to log in to your Absher account. Enter your username and password.

4. Then, send a message to the Jawazat department and explain the technical issue you are facing with your visa.

5. You must then enter your Iqama ID details, if you are a Saudi resident or border number, if you are a visitor. You can also attach supporting documents for evidence, but this is optional.

According to Jawazat, once you have sent a request, it will take a maximum of seven days for the ‘Tawasul’ service to follow-up with you and solve the issue.

What problems does the ‘Tawasul’ service solve?

The ‘Tawasul’ service helps solve any technical problems you may be facing with your online application, when you are trying to access services offered by Jawazat. This could include your application for any of the following services:

1. Saudi passport and travel permits.
2. Procedures for the resident IDs inside Saudi Arabia.
3. Dependents and sponsored services.
4. Identification procedures for a resident outside Saudi Arabia.
5. Exit, return, and final visas.
6. Visit visas.
7. Extending the visit visas.
8. Transfer services.
9. The amendment of professions.
10. Updating and extending passports