Construction workers in Dubai. For labourers in the UAE, National Bonds is planning to start a saving scheme based on their requirements. Image Credit: Devadasan /Gulf News archives

Dubai: People who work on construction projects in Dubai are exempted from the 24-hour sterilisation programme, a Dubai Police official said on Monday.

Major General Abdullah Ali Al Gaithi, director of the Protective Security and Emergency Department, said that construction companies working on major projects don’t need to get permit.

“The order was clear,” said Al Gaithi, speaking on local radio. “People working in construction projects like bridges, roads and other major infrastructure projects doesn’t need a permit.”

According to the 24-hour sterilisation programme issued by Dubai’s Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management, some sectors are exempted from the restrictions like the construction sector but they are subject to obtaining a permit from Dubai Municipality and the Permanent Committee for Labour Affairs.

Brigadier Saif Muhair Al Mazroui, Director of the Traffic Department at Dubai Police, said a construction company who has construction work with a vital sector should get a permit from them.

“Some companies do extra work for projects belonging to vital sectors and they need to get a letter from them to confirm that they are working with them and contact Dubai Police,” Brig Al Mazroui said during a radio interview.

According to the order, employees working in vital sectors in Dubai are exempted from restrictions and permitted to leave their house to commute to work but they need to carry proof of identification and a work ID.