Residents can call 901 and the hotline number 80040 and report instances of begging in Sharjah. Picture for illustrative purposes only. Image Credit: Supplied

Sharjah: As many as 94 beggars have been arrested in Sharjah since the beginning of Ramadan, officials said here on Wednesday.

Lt Col Jassim Mohammed bin Taliah

Lt Col Jassim Mohammed bin Taliah, Head of the beggar control team at Sharjah Police, said 94 beggars were arrested in Sharjah since the beginning of Ramadan. Residents in the emirate are being advised to call the dedicated numbers and report what is described as “seasonal begging”.

He pointed out that the campaign resulted in the arrest of 94 beggars, including 65 men and 29 women, who were reported through the direct communication channels provided by Sharjah Police, through the 80040 and 901 numbers, as well as through the field campaigns of the control teams that patrol the roads of the emirate.

Lt. Col. Bin Taliah stated that the campaign against begging continues and that the number of those arrested in 2020 and 2021 reached 1,409 and that more than Dh500,000 was confiscated from beggars.

Lt. Col. Bin Taliah explained that most of those arrested had come on visit visas, while some were residents who were taking advantage of Ramadan to make money. Legal measures will be undertaken against those arrested.

He also indicated that those arrested were found possessing receipts of international money transfers. One of the beggars was found carrying more than Dh44,000 in cash, while another was found carrying Dh12,000 and a third beggar was arrested with more than Dh9,000 in cash in possession.

The ‘Begging is a crime ... and giving is a responsibility’ campaign that began before Ramadan aims to curb the menace of begging. Residents can call 901 and the hotline number 80040 and report instances of begging in Sharjah. “The aim of this campaign is to encourage the public to cooperate with the police and protect the emirate,” Lt. Col. Bin Taliah said.

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“Police patrols have been deployed at places frequented by beggars. They take advantage of Ramadan and go to mosques and markets, banks and residential areas to ask people for money. People who have limited resources or face difficult [financial] situations in the UAE can contact any of the authorised charity and humanitarian organisations, who will study their individual cases and offer them help within the legal framework,” Lt. Col. Bin Taliah said.