UAE Public Prosecution logo
UAE Public Prosecution logo Image Credit: WAM

Abu Dhabi: The UAE Public Prosecution on Wednesday announced it has summoned a number of people for circulating video clips on social media showing the country’s defence system intercepting Houthi terrorist militia’s attempts to target some vital facilities in the country.

Emirates News Agency WAM reported that the Public Prosecution warned that such clips endanger vital and military installations and would affect the security and stability of society.

Dr Hamad Saif Al Shamsi, the UAE Attorney General, said that deterrent legal measures will be taken against those who circulate such materials, warning the public against publishing and circulating such clips on social media.

Al Shamsi called for compliance with the laws applicable in the country, adding that sharing such videos may cause confusion in society. “The UAE is betting on the awareness of its people not to promote such legally prohibited materials,” he said.

Warning against rumours

The UAE Attorney General warned against sharing rumours and the resultant effects and dangers as well as the negative consequences they cause to the country, which may amount to a threat to societal peace in addition to spreading panic and fear among individuals for reasons that have no basis in reality.

He stressed that UAE is completely transparent in disclosing facts and information, adding that the Public Prosecution will carry out its responsibilities in applying the law firmly towards such crimes and against perpetrators. This is to maintain the public interest and the security of members of society and to preserve public order and community peace.