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Dr Tariq Al Gurg, CEO and vice-chairman of Dubai Cares (right) during the signing ceremony at Davos to host the second edition of RewirEd Summit, a global education cooperation platform, during COP28 in Dubai Image Credit: Dubai Cares

Dubai: The incoming Presidency of the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Dubai Cares have agreed to hold RewirEd Summit during COP28 that will take place at Expo City Dubai from November 30 to December this year.

The announcement was made on the sidelines of the 2023 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, in the presence of Amb. Majid Al Suwaidi, director general of COP28, and Dr. Tariq Al Gurg, CEO and vice-chairman of Dubai Cares.

Dubai Cares will host the second edition of RewirEd Summit, a global education cooperation platform, in conjunction with the global climate summit with a focus on climate action education.

Dubai Cares will also lead a global preparatory process to mobilise public and private actors around new policy, financing, and technology outcomes that both equip learners for the net-zero economy and enhance accessibility and resilience in the education sector.

Defining challenge

Al Suwaidi said: “Climate change is the defining challenge of our era. It is essential for us to empower our youth and society with the knowledge and skills to become changemakers and contribute to meaningful action. We welcome this partnership with Dubai Cares, to connect with diverse stakeholders, create capacity-building opportunities and mobilise a concerted drive for inclusive climate progress.”

Al Gurg added: “As COP28’s education partner, Dubai Cares looks forward to supporting the UAE’s efforts by uniting education and climate actors towards a common vision of unlocking the potential of transformed education systems to not only mitigate climate challenges, but also contribute to national and global aspirations.”

Dubai Cares will drive the conversation on positioning education as a key climate solution by enabling stakeholders to showcase innovative practices and scalable solutions for climate action.