
We are taught since childhood that sharing is caring. We tend to forget this small lesson while competing in the world. We are so busy finding our existence, making our name in the world that this lesson fades away like our childhood memories. We never realise that this short sentence has the power to keep our humanity alive.

The renowned IMT Business School of Dubai takes an extra step by evoking the concept of sharing is caring in its students. During the holy month of Ramadan, the B-school’s students and faculty members were seen making a difference to people around them. The management institute took an initiative and affectionate gesture of distributing food items to the needy; it was indeed an example of “sharing is caring” during the pandemic times.

The students of IMT Business School are great professionals in the corporate world and they act responsibly towards their society. The institute truly believes in the slogan, “The greatness of humanity is not in being human, but in being humane.” The compassion of these students and other members of the institute has awakened the goodness in the world.

When the holy month of Ramadan comes, it invokes hope in humanity. It is a month to reflect the virtues of piety and practice the act of generosity. This pious month encourages every individual to the attribute of giving during these 30 days. It’s a beautiful way to awaken the humanity within us and share what we are fortunate enough to have. While the world is in pain and weeping, IMT Business School tried spreading the love with its humanitarian gesture in the city. By doing so, the institute has taught its students not only by words but by this beautiful act.

Our small gesture of generosity can reinstate faith in humanity. In this holy month, try to find the holy you, a person who touches many lives with its kindness. Let’s create a humane world together!