Shad Hussein from India meeting his son in Dubai after 10 months of separation Image Credit: Supplied

Dubai: Dubai Police recently reunited an Indian father with his five-year-old son after 10 months of separation due to a family dispute. The force also helped the parents amicably overcome their conflict and seek what is best for the child.

Dr Tariq Muhammad Noor Tahlak, Director of Naif Police Station, said the boy’s parents had lived together in their homeland when they faced some marital issues, and the mother decided to come to Dubai with her son.

“Once she arrived at her parents’ home in Dubai, the mother refused to let her son speak or communicate with his father, who was financially unable to get a UAE visit visa to come and see his child,” Brig Tahlak said.

He added that after 10 months, the father, Shad Hussein, became financially stable and decided to come to the UAE, hoping to see his little boy and have a chat after the long separation.

“The man sought the help of his father-in-law to convince the boy’s mother, who insisted on not allowing him to see his son, not to involve the child in the marital dispute. The father-in-law tried his best to talk his daughter into changing her mind. However, she refused the advice and insisted on her decision,” he continued.

Seeking help of police

Brig Tahlak further explained that eventually, the father-in-law decided to seek Dubai Police’s assistance in amicably talking the mother into changing her mind and seeking what is best for her little one. He confirmed that police contacted the mother and succeeded in persuading her to allow the father to see his son after they had reminded her that this right is guaranteed by international and local laws as well as the Sharia (Islamic law).

Dubai Police had persuaded the mother to allow the father to see his son Image Credit: Supplied

“We explained to the mother that children’s rights must be respected, and children should never be involved in family disputes. We also reminded her that the UAE’s federal law on children’s rights, also known as Wadeema’s law, obliges both parents to respect the full rights of their children,” he said.

Hussein expressed gratitude to Dubai Police, especially the victim support team, who professionally handled the family’s ordeal and granted him the precious chance of meeting his son.