Taking off your face mask
The new rules were announced on Sunday Image Credit: Stock image

Sharjah: The Department of Suburbs and Villages Affairs in Sharjah has announced an updated set of precautionary measures for organising social events at home and those held in suburban councils.

As for the precautionary measures for social events at home, such as weddings, it has been stipulated that such events must not involve the participation of more than 20 people. All those attending such events must maintain a distance of four metres between each person present at the venue.

In addition, people should avoid greeting each other by way of handshakes, hugs, kisses, greeting with the nose. People should greet each oher while maintaining a safe distance, in addition to compulsory wearing of masks during the ceremony and ensuring that there are enough provisions for sanitisation.

With regard to seating arrangements at weddings and receptions, it has been stipulated that each table should accommodate only half its actual capacity. For instance, if a table has the capacity to accommodate ten people, then not more than five people should be allowed, leaving a distance of two metres between each table.

The duration of the ceremony must not exceed four hours. No live musical performance or any other live entertainment activity can be organised during the event.