The awareness workshops are organised by the Ministry of Community Development in collaboration with libraries of Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and Tourism Image Credit: Supplied

Abu Dhabi: Children are learning how to identify, prevent and report abuse through awareness workshops organised by the Ministry of Community Development in collaboration with libraries of Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and Tourism.

The workshops highlight UAE’s ‘Wadeema’ law on child rights and the initiative ‘I Do Not Accept’ aimed at rejecting all forms of abuse.

The initiative targets children aged three to 10 years and focuses on teaching children how not to accept abuse and the appropriate means they can use if they are exposed to any kind of abuse, using innovative methods of communication.

The programme uses an electronic system in which a variety of questions are asked to benefit from the children’s feedback and at the same time correct misconceptions among children.

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This year’s workshops also focus on several topics such as child family rights, health rights, educational rights, cultural rights, protection, and contact numbers with relevant authorities in any case of abuse.

Protected by law

Wadeema Child Rights Law stipulates several basic provisions covering the right of the child to life, welfare, expenditure and healthcare services, the involvement of the child in various programme and activities that enhance their personality and enable them to gain the needed skills to overcome all concerns and challenges, the prohibition of all forms of violence in educational institutions and protection of children from exploitation or abuse.