Sachin (left) winner of Dh20 million and Gowtham winner of Dh1 million at Mahzooz draw. Photo: Clint Egbert/Gulf News Image Credit: Clint Egbert/Gulf News

Dubai: An Indian expat who spent Dh25,000 over two years in draws finally hit the jackpot, winning Dh20 million at the recent Mahzooz draw. The lucky expat – Sachin – walked away with the mega prize money after his draw hit the jackpot last Saturday.

The day was a lucky one for another Indian expat who walked away with a million dirhams at the Draw. Gowtham on his part spent just Dh600 to become a million dirham winner at the Mahzooz Draw.

Sachin, a 47-year-old CAD technician working in a private company from the city of Mumbai, won the bigger prize of Dh20 million at the latest draw. A resident of Dubai for 25 years, Sachin attributed his win to the luck that his furry feline brought home to the family.

“It was perhaps his little kitten that brought him all the luck. In the morning I brought home our little kitten. In the evening I won Dh20 million. We are super excited in the family,” said Sachin told Gulf News during a press conference on Wednesday.

Sachin said a part of his win will go to the education of his three children. “The rest we are yet to decide. The news is yet to fully sink in with us,” he said.

“On Sunday morning when I woke up I saw an email about my big win. At first I did not believe it. I checked my Mahzooz number and then I realised I had actually won. I informed my wife immediately.” He said he is yet to inform his extended relatives and friends about the win.

“I have been participating in Mahzooz Draw every week, hoping for a big win one day. This victory is a life-changer for my family and me. Not sure what role my kitten has played in this win, but I know it brought me luck,” said Sachin.

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Another lucky winner

Gowtham, 27, said he was so pleasantly surprised to hear of his Dh1 million win.

The project engineer who has been a resident of UAE for about five years said the win means a lot to him. “I was elated when I received the email. It was overwhelming,” he added.

The 27-year-old project engineer has been residing in the UAE for four years and has been participating in Mahzooz Draw for about an year. Thrilled by his win, Gowtham revealed that he plans to utilise his winnings to build a house in his hometown. “This money is for my parents,” said Gowtham who has an older married sister.

The weekly Mahzooz live draw has created 55 millionaires with Dh450 million given out as prize money. Of this Dh164,000 has been won by 105,000 Indian nationals.

Suzan Kazzi, Head of Communications and CSR at EWINGS, Managing Operator of Mahzooz said: “It comes as no surprise to witness two fortunate winners from India in the same draw. The vibrant Indian community constitutes the largest base of enthusiastic participants and winners at Mahzooz.

How to play

For only Dh35, participants can purchase a bottle of Mahzooz water, and enter the weekly draw every Saturday consisting of the Grand Draw, for a chance to win top prize of Dh20 million and the new weekly Raffle Draw, which will grant Dh1 million every week to a guaranteed millionaire-to-be.