Motorists have been urged to stay alert while driving. Image Credit: Supplied

Abu Dhabi: Abu Dhabi Police, in cooperation with the Tracing and Control Centre, and as part of the “You Comment” initiative, has broadcast a video on the dangers of parking in the middle of the road or being preoccupied while driving.

Abu Dhabi Police Directorate of Traffic and Patrol warned drivers against the dangers of parking in the middle of the road for any reason and urged them to go to the nearest exit to ensure the safety of road users. In case they are unable to move the vehicle, they must immediately contact the 999 Control Centre (Operations Room) to provide necessary support.

Drivers have been urged to leave adequate, safe distance and not occupy the road to avoid sudden halting of vehicles without warning.

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Drivers have also been warned against the dangers of using the phone while driving, as also other forms of behaviour that could distract them and cause accidents.