Phone call
The consulate acknowledged the fraud phone calls from 04-397 1222 and 04-397 1333. The numbers, however, does not belong to the consulate. Image Credit: Supplied

Abu Dhabi: The Indian Embassy in Abu Dhabi has warned Indian expatriates in the UAE against fraudsters misusing the embassy’s phone number to swindle money.

“Some unidentified people are making calls to the general public residing in the UAE from the phone number 02-449 2700, claiming to be from the Indian Embassy and asking them to deposit money in different accounts,” said a public notice issued by the embassy on Thursday evening.

“The general public is hereby informed that the embassy does not make such calls. If anyone receives such calls, he or she may please inform the embassy by dropping an email at”

“The embassy is also in touch with local authorities to address these fraud calls being made on behalf of the Indian Embassy,” added the notice on the embassy’s twitter page. The Indian Consulate General in Dubai had also warned of a similar scam in October.

In this case, fraudsters had called victims claiming to be from the consulate, asking for money to settle alleged immigration rule violations.

A similar scam was earlier exposed by Gulf News where fraudsters pretended to call from Dubai Immigration to extort money from victims, especially Indian expatriates, again for alleged immigration rule violations.

The consulate acknowledged the fraud phone calls from 04-397 1222 and 04-397 1333, that falsely claimed to be from the Indian Consulate asking victims to deposit money in various accounts after a supposed immigration law infringement. The numbers, however, did not belong to the consulate.