Saudi couple makes a splash with underwater wedding. Image Credit: Saudi Ajel Newspaper

Dubai: Under the clear blue waters of the Red Sea off Jeddah, Hassan Abu Ola and Yasmine Daftardar exchanged vows in a stunning underwater ceremony.

Surrounded by vibrant coral reefs and a variety of marine life, the couple, both avid divers, chose this extraordinary setting to begin their married life.

The event, one of the first of its kind, was attended by a small group of fellow divers and organized by the local diving group, Saudi Divers, led by Captain Faisal Flemban. The team not only provided the necessary diving gear but also surprised the couple with an underwater celebration.

"It was indeed a surprise," Hassan Abu Ola said in an interview. "After we geared up, Captain Faisal and the team told us they had planned to celebrate our wedding right there under the sea. It was a beautiful and unforgettable experience." The divers in attendance cheered the couple on, creating a memorable scene beneath the waves.

Saudi couple weds beneath Jeddah’s Red Sea, surrounded by vibrant coral reefs and a variety of marine life Image Credit: Saudi Ajel Newspaper

Hassan and Yasmine, both licensed divers, faced no difficulties during their underwater nuptials, thanks to the meticulous planning and guidance provided by the Saudi Divers team.

"Alhamdulillah, there were no challenges," Abu Ola noted. "The celebration went smoothly, and everyone was amazed by how unconventional and spectacular it was."

He hopes that sharing their wedding through media and social media will inspire both divers and non-divers around the world to explore the underwater marvels of Saudi Arabia.

"This is just one way we can contribute to realizing the vision of Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the Prince of Youth and the visionary leader of our great country," Abu Ola concluded, extending an invitation to the global community to experience the splendor of diving in the Red Sea.