Abu Dhabi: Labourers and domestic workers whose residency visas and labour permits expired will be exempted from medical fitness tests and their visas will be renewed automatically, it was annouced late on Wednesday.
The automatic renewal applies only to those working for establishments as well as domestic service workers, according to the announcement.
The move was announced by the Ministry of Human resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE), Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP,) and the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (FAIC), as a precaution to contain the coronavirus.
As per this precautionary measure, workers will not need to approach medical fitness centres, which will be shut down temporarily across the country.
Fees will be levied through payment channels and hence workers will continue their stay in the country legally.
The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship underlined the need for employers to notify health authorities concerned about any worker suspected of contracting coronavirus.
The authority called on all workers to abide by health and precautionary instructions and procedures in order to ensure their safety and the safety of the community.