(Left) Lieutenant General Mohammed Ahmed Al Marri, Director General of GDRFA, talking to Abdullah Rasheed, Gulf News Editor in Abu Dhabi, during a visit to Al Aweer Centre in Dubai. Al Marri explained about services offered to Amnesty seekers at the centre. Image Credit: Supplied

Dubai: The UAE amnesty programme has proven to be a new lifeline for residency violators who are now able to get jobs after rectifying their legal status.

The General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Dubai (GDRFA) has announced that at least 22 companies are providing job opportunities to residency violators who rectify their legal status as part of the UAE amnesty programme.

More than 80 additional companies have also come forward expressing interest in joining the recruitment process, motivated by their commitment to social responsibility and community stability, GDRFA revealed.

The Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security declared a two-month grace period for residency violators to rectify their residency status without facing financial penalties or administrative restrictions and any ban. This grace period began on September 1 and will run through the end of October.

This initiative embodies the UAE’s values of mercy and tolerance, offering violators a chance to regularise their status while considering individual circumstances.

GDRFA said that UAE based companies conducted interviews with over 4,000 people in the first two weeks of amnesty, with numbers continuing to rise due to collaborative efforts between the authority and participating businesses.

Numerous violators showed enthusiasm for job interviews with private companies, leading to over 100 individuals being hired in roles that match their qualifications and experiences. The process to regularise the status of additional candidates is ongoing.

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Al Aweer Centre tour

During a recent tour of the amnesty centre in Al Aweer, Lieutenant General Mohammed Ahmed Al Marri, Director General of GDRFA, told Gulf News about the authority’s significant efforts to assist those seeking to legalise their status.

The centre, he added, is equipped with various facilities, including separate waiting areas for men and women, refrigerators stocked with refreshments, and sections for advisory services and company representatives looking to hire.

Complex cases

Lieutenant General Al Marri actively addressed complex cases, ensuring that all violators received necessary assistance. Visitors expressed satisfaction with the grace period, which allows them to rectify their residency status.

Violators said that amnesty given by the UAE is a lifeline for them amid mounting fines and penalties. They praised the UAE leadership and GDRFA officials for providing solutions that improved their situations.

Commitment to Support

Lieutenant General Al Marri emphasised the meticulous operations at the Al Aweer Centre and the extraordinary efforts of staff to assist all violators. He noted a growing number of companies willing to participate in the initiative, enhancing cooperation between the public and private sectors, which contributes to community security and stability.

Job opportunities

He said that the addition of job opportunities to the initiative is a significant step toward fostering social cohesion and a prosperous society. He also outlined that criteria for job selection include educational qualifications, professional experience, personal skills, and successful completion of interviews and tests set by companies.

Major General Salah Ahmed Al Qamzi, Assistant Director-General of the Violators and Foreigners Sector at the GDRFA, highlighted inspiring success stories that have emerged from the initiative, showcasing the authority’s commitment to creating a supportive environment.

He noted the flexible offering of diverse job opportunities across sectors such as construction, transportation, logistics, domestic labour, industry, and restaurants. Companies are also providing attractive benefits packages, including competitive salaries, health insurance, housing, paid leave, and professional training programs.

Positive outcomes

Lieutenant General Al Marri reiterated that each success story reflects the authority’s ongoing efforts to support individuals through targeted training and development programs.

The GDRFA continues to expand collaborations with the private sector to create more job opportunities, effectively improving the quality of life for beneficiaries.

The initiative has reported a 100% satisfaction rate among those employed, demonstrating its effectiveness in meeting the needs of participants and enhancing their overall well-being.

The grace period allows violators to fully exercise their rights, improve their quality of life, and access job opportunities, contributing to their happiness and that of their families — all within a framework of legal compliance.